Prosedur Pelayanan Bongkar Muat Barang Pada Pt. Sarana Bandar Nasional (SBN) Branding Pelni Logistic Di Pelabuhan Merauke


  • Henricus Raba Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Saint Theresa Merauke
  • Ratnawati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Saint Theresa Merauke
  • Adam Gau Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Saint Theresa Merauke

Kata Kunci:

Unloading, Loading, Procedure


Adam Gau Kamagai Nim : 16631015, This study aims to find out how the Loading and Unloading Service Procedure for Goods at PT Sarana Bandar Nasional (SBN) Branding PELNI Logistic at Merauke Port.

The data analysis method used is qualitative data. Qualitative data is information data in the form of sentences where to get the data must conduct interviews, observations, discussions and direct observations.From the observations made, it can be seen that the Loading and Unloading Service Procedure for Goods has stages which include: The Order Giving Company (PPO) or the owner of the goods submits a PBM Appointment Letter by attaching a Loading and Unloading Manifest, the PPO makes repayment of the uper in the company's cash or the designated Bank, PPO submits proof of payment to PBAU Division for service, after service, PPO signs proof of loading and unloading service submitted by operational officer, PPO receives Bill Note and then settles or repays note.


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